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Coronavirus Guide

Your guide to socially distanced church during the COVID-19 outbreak.

We are so excited to be reopening! As it is so important that we do everything we can to protect ourselves and each other from catching coronavirus, please carefully read the guidelines below before attending a service and follow them.


You must stay at home if:

  •  You have any symptoms of coronavirus (high temperature, persistent dry cough or loss of taste and smell) or have tested positive in the past 14 days.

  •  Someone in your household or support bubble has symptoms or has tested positive in the past 14 days.

  •  You have been told to self-isolate by NHS.


You should stay at home if:

  • You or a member of your household is shielding due to a health condition.

  • You are ‘extremely clinically vulnerable’.

  • Government advice for the clinically vulnerable (eg. age over 70) is advisory and people in this group can choose how to manage their own risks and make their own decision about attending.


  • If you can, please arrive by 10.15am to give us time to seat everyone by 10.30am.

  • If you arrive after 10.40 am please find yourself a seat we will be live streaming the service over Zoom.

  • You DO NOT NEED to book a seat before the service.

  • If you are coming with others you are welcome to sit together, if you are from the same household or bubble.

  • If you are participating in the service you will need to sit at the front of the Church arrive around 10.15 am and sit away from those you have come with.

  • Face coverings are required – please bring your own. Children under 11 do not need to wear masks, as per government guidelines, but they can if they wish to.  If you are exempt from wearing a face mask, please have your card on display.

  • On arrival, please enter by the side car park or main entrance on Cheam Road.

  • Please keep a 2 metre distance from others.

  • On entering the church, you must sanitise your hands.

  • We may ask for your phone number when you arrive, if we do not already have it. This is to enable us to contact you if someone tests positive for coronavirus within 2 weeks of attending the service as you.

  • A steward will direct you into the church and to your seat. You should not sit with anyone outside of your household or support bubble.


  • Please try to use the toilet before you leave your home to avoid needing to use the toilets at church. The service will be a little shorter than normal, if possible, please wait until you get home to use the toilet.

  • If you do need to use the toilets, please queue alone (except for assisted disability). An exception is also made for children under 11 who must be accompanied by a parent.

  • Please clean your hands using the sanitiser provided upon entering the toilets.

  • Please clean as best as possible the handle and toilet seat with the sanitising wipes provided after using the toilet.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly and dry using paper towels. Dispose of the towels in the bin provided.

During the Service

  • Please try to stay in your seat and if you need to remove your face shield temporarily please do so as quickly as you are able so to protect others.

  • To ensure good ventilation, a door will be kept open. In colder weather, please an extra layer our heating will be on. 

  • Please bring a small bottle of water and a pack of clean tissues with you to use during the service if needed. Please take your rubbish home with you or place in the bins by the exit.

  • All our services are child friendly and there will be as of January 2022. Children's gatherings 

  • Thankfully, there will be refreshments after the service.  Please try to socially distance.

  • Thankfully, congregational singing is allowed during the service.

  • Let us pray for wisdom and safety for us all as we re-open our church.


A church is first of all a family of people who worship God.  

To offer God our worship, our thanks, and our love is the basis on which everything else is built.

21 Cheam Road,

Sutton - SM1 1SN


Registered Charity 1130595


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